
Start teaching your robot the points you will be using in your recipe.

Jog Panel

Configure your jogging.

Note: make sure the drive is enabled before trying to jogging.

  • The Jog Panel allows you to specify your jogging configuration.

    • Here you can change your jogging speed percentage and your jogging offset distance (in degrees).

    • Most importantly you can change between Joint and Cartesian/Linear robot jogging.

  • Once the desired configuration has been chosen you can now jog all six joints/axes in either a positive or negative direction (if Joint) or even rotate around an axis. (if Linear/Cartesian)

  • PC Mode: press enable button on the bottom action bar.

  • Teach Pendant Mode: press deadman switch on teach pendant.

Teaching Table Tool Bar

(From Left to Right)

  • Load Button allows you to load/import a previously saved Points file.

  • Save Button allows you to save your Points to a file.

  • Selected Point Label displays the current selected point in the teaching table.

  • Edit Button allows you to edit the selected point's positions.

  • Duplicate Button allows you to duplicate a selected point.

  • Arrow Up Button allows you to move a selected point up a row.

  • Arrow Down Button allows you to move a selected point down a row.

  • Plus Button allows you to add a new point. (The positions of your new point will be the robot's current position)

  • Delete Button allows you to delete a selected point.

  • Clear All Button will clear all points from the Teaching Table.

  • Go Button allows you to move to a selected point if and only if the robot is enabled.

  • Home Button allows you to move to the home position if and only if the robot is enabled.

Teaching Table

(From Left to Right)

  • POINT displays the index of the point in regards to the Teaching Table.

  • J1 refers to the robot's 1st/Base Joint degree position.

  • J2 refers to the robot's 2nd Joint degree position.

  • J3 refers to the robot's 3rd Joint degree position.

  • J4 refers to the robot's 4th Joint degree position.

  • J5 refers to the robot's 5th Joint degree position.

  • J6 refers to the robot's 6th/Head Joint degree position.

  • X refers to the robot's x-axis position in meters in relation to the WC. (The World Coordinates' or "WC" origin is located at the middle point between both robots)

  • Y refers to the robot's y-axis position in meters in relation to the WC.

  • Z refers to the robot's z-axis position in meters in relation to the WC.

  • A refers to the robot's rotation over the x-axis in degrees.

  • B refers to the robot's rotation over the y-axis in degrees.

  • C refers to the robot's rotation over the z-axis in degrees.

Bottom Action Bar

  • Abort Button allows you to abort the selected/active Robot's current motion.

  • Enable Button allows you to enable your Robot's amp. (In other words, enabling your robot provides motor power)

  • Abort All Button allows you to abort both Robots motion.

Last updated