Window Menu

The Window Menu is the highest-level taskbar of the RapidValve GUI. It tells you the name of the application, it provides a button to access the administrator panel, and it provides the common windows taskbars.

Administrator Panel

  • Click on Admin Login

  • Next enter the admin as the password and click Log In.

  • Once you Log In you should be able to see the ADMIN WINDOW below.


  • Restarting the program will restart the program running on the AKD BASIC Drive.

    • It does not matter what the valve is currently doing or where it is positioned.

    • The valve will try to move to the close/target position and the mode will be changed to PLC Mode.

  • Reconfiguring the drive will allow you to configure a new valve.

    • It allows you to get rid of the current valve configuration in the AKD BASIC Drive and reconfigure the valve using the New Valve Wizard.

  • Restarting the drive will cause an AKD BASIC Drive reboot.

    • A reboot will clear all faults and then reload all your configured data onto the RapidValve GUI.

  • Checking the Repeat Mode, will allow you to put your system in a repeat mode.

    • If the repeat mode checkbox is checked; the system will be closing and opening, closing and opening… until the checkbox has been unchecked.

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