
Description of the node description files used by RapidCode

EtherCAT Nodes used by the RapidCode API are defined in NodeInfo.xml and CustomNodeInfo.xml. NodeInfo.xml contains all nodes that RSI has integrated in the past. CustomNodeInfo.xml is where you can add new nodes or customize the existing ones to meet your application needs.

We recommend that you leave NodeInfo.xml alone and use CustomNodeInfo.xml where possible. As RapidCode versions change, you'll be able to incorporate our updates with your preferred settings.

Any Vendor entry in CustomNodeInfo.xml will fully replace any Vendor entry in NodeInfo.xml.

Starting with RapidCode 10.4.2, we distribute a CustomNodeInfo.xml which includes a complete example of a custom EtherCAT product. You can use it as a guide to your implementation.

You need to use NodeInfo.xml for the <Settings> block for everything but <StrictNodeOrder>. This block handles automatic identification of IO based on size and key strings. By default, all 1 bit sized PDO entries are assumed to be Digital Inputs or Digital Outputs. This leads some Diagnostics and Control bits being identified as IO when you don't desire it. Add <Ignore> entries remove false positive identifications. Analog values are harder to detect. In order to add them, add an appropriate <AnalogInput> or <AnalogOutput> block following examples within the file.

The Has attribute can be used to add an additional string to help identify the IO. (e.g. <AnalogInput Size="16" Has="(Beckhoff - AI">.Value</AnalogInput> will search for a pdo entry with both "(Beckhoff - AI" and ".Value" in it.

pageIntegrating an EtherCAT Slave (SubDevice)

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